Traveling with your Partner

Since being back, I have been asked lots of time weather I found it difficult to travel with my boyfriend.

Before, I left for Thailand in January I must admit this was somthing that had crossed my mind. We do not argue a lot but we argue over the little things like couples do. 

Upon arriving in Thailand, we were tired from all the traveling and where grouchy because we were confused by the arrival card forms. I could sense that my boyfriend was getting annoyed and was asking me questions as if it was my fault. I thought oh no here we go. 

The truth is, that was about as much as we argued in Thailand. 

The everyday life of traveling around Thailand, takes away so many of the stresses back home. Speed of life, is not full on anymore it’s medium. You don’t have to rush home from work too cook dinner, before going to bed and starting again. There was nothing to argue about.
If anything traveling made our relationship stronger. I now like to allocate us time together, to just be us and spend time together.

For me I was worried about wearing no make up all the time. Within the first week, I was going out without make up on and this allowed me confidence to grow. The best thing was my boyfriend every other day, kept telling me how beautiful I look. He told me how he noticed more freckles surfacing and how lovely and refreshed I looked. This really helped with my confidence and helped me feel comfortable in my own skin. 

Sometimes, we found it harder to make friend as a couple, rather then a solo back packer. We found ourself  mainly making friend with already formed groups or other couples. I feel that solo backpacker do not want to feel third wheely. Which I understand as there are some cringey couples out there, but I think we are okay ha ha.

We had lots of drunken night out, long trecks and relaxing days. The trip  made me realise I wasn’t just traveling with my boyfriend, I was traveling with my best friend.

Now that we are home, I find myself receiving text messages saying ” I love you beautiful, you are my best friend”. Which I admit is cringey but it does make me realise how good our relationship is.

Cannot wait for our next adventure. 

Why hate it before you try it 

A lot of people don’t like sushi.

when I ask why most people say because they don’t like fish. Did you know that sushi means ” on a bed of rice” 

Sushi does not necessarily mean you would put anything fishy on it. They do vegetable sushi, chicken sushi, curry sushi. 

I often wonder what goes on in somebody’s head, when they say they do not like something, before they have tried.

My boyfriend will not try gherkins or olives because they are green. When someone offers them to him, he says he dosent like them. How does he know if he hasn’t try them.

When I was younger I used to make my mind up, if I didn’t like somthing before trying it. My dad would make me try it, I would chew it and swallow quickl, then agree that I defiantly didn’t like it. My dad said how would you know, you made up your mind before you ate it.

I believe this method of thinking, is also how we think about life. 

Have you ever gone to Thorpe park? Looked at the scariest ride and thought nope I won’t like that. Then the person you are with keeps pestering you and you end up going on it due to peer pressure. Then you hate yourself for giving in as you are being strapped up, preparing yourself to have an enjoyable experience. The ride goes and your still panicking as it head to the scariest part, and once you have done it you laugh. You laugh because you are relived, as it wasn’t as scary as you expected. You laugh because you actually had fun and enjoyed it. You laugh because you have just experience such a contract of judging and hating the experience before doing it, and actually loving and having fun during the experience. 

If you can change your mind set of hating before you try, you will find life more enjoyable. The food that you hate before trying, actually may be somthing you end up having in your daily diet. That ride at Thorpe park that you would hate to go on, may be the reason you want to go again. 

If you start saying yes to trying new things, your life will be open to so many new aspects. It may take you traveling, it may take you sky diving and I promise you it will open your eyes. 

Hide and seek by M J Arlidge 

Hide and seek by Mj Arlidge is about a cop who is currently in prison awaiting trial for the murder of three people. She aims to be on her best behaviour and avoid conflict with other inmates and to make it her trail. This become increasingly difficult as murders begin to happen, and the saying curiosity killed that cat comes to mind. She can’t keep herself away from being a cop and what to find out what happens. 

The book is slow to get into at the beginning and I personally found it a little difficult to follow. The book is written in third person, each chapter being 3-4 pages and each chapter flicking from character to character. Once you’ve got a quarter the way through the book, you feel that you almost know everyone but you really don’t know any of them until the end.

The details of the murders are chilling and again very unexpected. When I read books I like to imagine how they would pan out in a movie and it would defiantly be a 18+ movie.

This is a great book if you like guess the murderer type books. It will keep you wondering through out, plenty of cliff hangers. You find yourself going about your daily life and trying to clue together who you think the murdere is. I had around four suspects in my own head, and it wasn’t any of them. 

Defiantly reccomend. 

Backpacking – what to bring and what not to bring 

If your going ok your first backpacking adventure, like many you will be wondering what to bring. You don’t want to bring to much and be carrying a heavy bag around, but at the same time you need certain things to survive. 

Ladies, hair dryers and hair straighteners are a no no. Your hair will dry within 20 mins of being outside, embrace nature drying your hair it’s all part of traveling. If you straighten or dry your hair in the heat, you will be damaging your hair big time. The biggest bonus of not brining these is it’s a lot of weight taken off your back. Plus my hair grew loads and feels healthier. You will however need lots of hair bands, I was forever wearing one and keeping one on my wrist. I went with 30 and came back with 3.

Make up was the hardest decision for me, as I’m the time of girl you hug and end up will my make up on your shirt. Travelling I took, two lots of BB cream and lipgloss both with additional suncream in them. Truth is, after two weeks I was way to tanned for my BB cream and my skin felt so healthy anyway I didn’t want to wear it. When we went on night out hardly anyone wore make up, apart from young girls that where there for a Party weekend. 

Towels are a pain, not every hotel/hostel will provide you with towels. Plus you usually need your own towel for beaches or sitting beside the pool. We discovered microfibres towels, they roll up into a tiny sack. They try very quickly, if you poor water on them in the sun you can practically watch them dry. 

Two paid of shoes only! Flip flops and comfy walking shoes. I invested in sketchers which were super comfy, when we moved from each destination I put my flip flops in my bag and wore my comfy shoes. We also had walking boots ( light but grippy) which we kept in my boyfriend bag as his was much bigger. The walking boots where perfect for rainy days and going for hilly walks.

I originally packed one of shampoo, conditioner, toothpaste and body wash. We packed these items in a seperare see through bag, with all or cosmetics. Don’t forget sunceeam and mosquito spray. One bottle of sunceeam lasted us sixweeks. There are shops, most of the time you will find it fairly cheap to buy these items.

Only bring one book, because you can buy books out their, they have book exchange cafes and most hostels you will find someone you can exchange with. If you have a kindle then that is ideal.

The biggest question is how many clothes to bring. The awnser is now much. I brought with me 3 pairs of shorts, 3 strap tops, 3 dresses, 2 strap tops, and a mix of four bikinis that I could mix and match. It dosent seem a lots but once you have put your costemtics, your shoes and your clothes in your bag will be pretty full. Plus I’m thaialnd was found so many clothes and items we wanted to buy and put in our bags.

Don’t forget a water proof jacket, for when it rains. I always had mine attatched to the outside of my bag.

It dosent matter what you bring, at the end of the day you will have fun. Brining less stuff just means, you will moan less when you are moving about.

Bucket list 

As many of you will know by now, I love a bucket list. I have managed to tick a few more things off in Thailand. Thailand also inspired me to add a few knew things. I’ve also added into the to do list countries I’ve been too; I’ve currently been to 12 countries and can’t wait to add more. 

Meet an elephant in the wild

Go to Disney land

Visit Lapland ✔️

Kayak ✔️ – Kayak on the sea in Koh Phanang 

Go on a ghost walk / hunt 

Spain ✔️

Complete a half marathon 

Egypt ✔️

Hug a panda bear 

Go on a ski holiday 

Morocco ✔️

Gibbrolata ✔️

Ride hot air balloon 

Grenada ✔️

Fly a kite ✔️

Hold a monkey ✔️

Stand under a waterfall ✔️

Write letter to my future self

France ✔️

Be sent flowers at work

Gran Caneria ✔️

Greece ✔️

Amsterdam ✔️

Volunteer at a soup kitchen 

Belgium ✔️

Bring food to the homeless 

Cyprus ✔️

Have a price of writting published 
Try acupuncture 

Have my palm read 

Go to a murder mystery night 

Go to a casino ✔️

Go to bingo✔️

Go to a fashion show

Have a make up lesson ✔️

Go wine tasting ✔️

Take a cookery class 

Fly in a helicopter 

Spin records like a dj ✔️

Be a member of a tv Audience 

Sleep in a castle 

Visit a Buddhist temple✔️

Visit the Pyramids 

Go to Octoberfest 

Go to Dublin 

Floating lanterns on a beach 

Sit on a jury 

Be taken to Paris 

Visit the Dead Sea 

Feed a exotic animal
Try a watersport ✔️

wall of China 

Go island hopping ✔️

Go on a moped ✔️

Go to a full moon party 

Achieve somthing for make a wish 

Drive a sega way 

Go to Pompey 

Go glamping 

Go on for dinner or the River Thames 
Visit a factory✔️

Win something amazing 
Added to the list on 19/01/2017

Visit Australia 

Go snorkelling 

Visit America 

Travel around Asia 


Go to a floating market 

Visit Fiji 

See a koala 

Watch football in a different country 

Go to a Christmas market

Go zip wiring 

Visit Singapore 

Visit Vietnam 

Go to Harry Potter world 

Stay in a group hostel 

Do a fun run for charity 

Save £10,000


Busy reality 

I’ve been back over a week and a half now. I’ve been super busy visiting family in reading, 2 job interview a day, and spending time with family. 

2 job interviews a day, led to a couple of job offers and one of which I’ve accepted. I’m very excited to start in two weeks, great location and good money.  

I’ve spent-a evening with my niece took her to westows. For the record, it’s hard work I came back sweating with a whole in my jeans. 

I spent yesterday evening with my boyfriends family, which was lovely.

I’ve managed to spend a few evening with the girls. 

The combination of accepting a new job, seeing family and having girly time has defiantly helped me feel more settled.
I just have two weeks of no work and have to find stuff to do. I’m trying to currently unfreeze my gym account, looking forward to getting back to it! 

Reality of being home 

As upset as I was to come home early. I landed in Gatwick at lunch time, and I became excited to hug my parents, have a cup of tea and a bubble bath. I was very happy to see my parents, emotional hugs as support during this time.
I got home and put the kettle on. Home did not feel as homely as I expected. It seemed smaller and I felt like a foreign giants. My cup of tea was great in my favourite mug. The next morning, I got up and made a cup of tea and sat and watched the news. I missed being on the beach with a strawberry or mango fruit smoothie. Missed waking up, feeling excited for today’s adventure. 

We had lots to do, sort out our phones, see Tony’s friends and family, sort work out, get a diary, sort out storage in our bedroom.. so much to do. No more stress free morning, when are hardest decision was to relax on the beach before or after we explored the area. 

Every day we would swim in the sea or a swimming pool. Yesterday morning, I got changed straight into my work out gear and went for a run outside. It was nice to be outside excerising again, but still not the same. 

I’m currently having a bubble bath, face mask on and drinking a chai tea. I felt that some time to reflect would be good for my mind. All I can think about is missing traveling and looking at around the world tickets online. 

Last night, I went to church to light a candle for my auntie and for my family. It was a church I had been to a few times with my dad. This time when I went, I noticed the paintings on the wall, the wooden alter, the mosaics glass artwork. It was like traveling has opened my mind to be more observant and notice new things. It is such a beautiful world, when you open your mind. When I jogged to the park yesterday, I always thought it was a rubbish little park in Mile oak. When I jogged to the top of the hill, and turned around I could see the sea me stood there for a minute to take it all in.

It’s safe to say I’ve been bit by the travel bug. I’ve bought a scratch of map, to decide our next destination!